Local Authorities

MySpira, the world’s first Augmented Reality asthma inhaler training app is designed for Local Authority adoption and population rollout, potentially saving extensive financial, medical resource and of course, lives. What’s more, the academic research shows that the MySpira App delivers an effectiveness score that is up to 70% better than many traditional healthcare education methods.

Already adopted by Suffolk County Council Public Health Authority, MySpira has proven hugely successful in the East of England. MySpira has been rolled out to every school, GP surgery, hospital, pharmacy and asthma clinic, and is proving a valuable resource for health workers and asthma sufferers alike.

Whilst MySpira has been made available FREE OF CHARGE FOR EVERY CHILD IN THE UK, the opportunity for you, as the Public Health Authority is to extensively promote the resource in your area, and have access to a digital toolbox as well as unlock premium features.

Licence fees for Public Health Authorities incorporate the following:

  • Unlimited app downloads
  • Unlock premium features including Asthma Plans and further AR Games
  • Asthma campaign toolkit with an extensive collection of digital and print assets
  • Access videos and animations for sharing
  • Monitoring & evaluation
  • Communication strategy guidance.


Case study-Suffolk Public Health Authority

With approximately 15,000 children suffering from asthma in Suffolk, the objective has always been to reduce emergency admissions and of course asthma related deaths.

MySpira was adopted by Suffolk’s Public Health Authority, who committed to an extensive awareness and rollout campaign to its populous. Target locations were hospitals, schools, pharmacies and GP surgeries.

MySpira posters were distributed across the county along with promotional videos, leading to widespread adoption by health care professionals.

In light of current social distancing measures, this unique technology continues to provide life saving education around asthma and correct inhaler usage.


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